تعبير عن الملك سلمان بالانجليزي
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تعبير عن الملك سلمان بالانجليزي قصير؛ حيث إن الأحداث والمناسبات الوطنية داخل المملكة دائمًا ما تكون مرتبطة بالملك، ونظرًا إلى الإنجازات الهائلة التي قد حققها الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ـ حفظه الله ـ في الحكم منذ أن تمت البيعة الأولى له في عام 1436هـ الموافق 2015م، فإن جموع أبناء المملكة يكنون له وافر الحب والتقدير باعتباره قائدًا وحاكمًا حكيمًا ومحب لوطنه، ولذلك، يتم دائمًا كتابة موضوعات التعبير والبرقيات التي يتم من خلالها ذِكر السيرة الذاتية للملك والتحدث عن إنجازاته، وفيما يلي؛ سوف يتم عرض موضوع تعبير عن الملك سلمان بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الملك سلمان بالانجليزي
King Salman is the King number 7 in the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and He is one of the sons of the founder of the kingdom (king Abd elaziz Al Saud)
He was born in Riyadh city exactly on 31 December 1935 and on 5 Shawwal 1354 AH, at his ten age; he concluded memorizing the holy Quran in 1945.
King Salman managed to occupy several important positions inside the Kingdom, he worked firstly as a prince of Riyadh in 1954. And became the defense minister after the death of Crown Prince Sultan.
In 2012, and after the death of his brother Crown Prince Nayef; he appointed to be the crown prince of the kingdom, then he became the king of the country in 2015 after the death of King Abdullah bin Abd El Aziz.
تعبير قصير عن الملك سلمان بالانجليزي
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the king of Saudi Arabia since 2015 till now, after the death of his brother king Abdallah. The pledge of allegiance to King Salman is renewed in a day 3 Rabi` al-Akhar every year.
From 2015 till now; King Salman performed many changes in the kingdom; Such as founding the Supreme Council of Saudi Aramco company, integration and merging between education and high education ministries into one ministry called (Ministry of Education).
King Salman appointed his son Mohammed bin Salman to be the crown prince of the kingdom. The king and the crown prince started to launch many projects and developments in the country, such as their great efforts in planning and performing Saudi 2030 vision programs, and more.
It should be noted that King Salman received many awards such as King Abdul Aziz’s first-class scarf, the medal of the Jerusalem Star, golden medal, and more From inside and outside the Kingdom
تَعبير عن الملك سَلمان بالانقلش
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud became the King of the country Since 2015 till now; And over this period of time; The Kingdom Saudi Arabia witnessed a radical change in all its fields
Since becoming king of the country, King Salman has been keen to develop all areas in the kingdom, most notably; the preparing the national transformation programs, supporting the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 initiative, empowering youth, enhancing the role of women in society, tourism development, economic development and others.
In 2016, he appointed the Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, and it should be noted that the king and his crown prince working all over the time in supporting all activities and thoughts that will surely help in Achieving The bright future of the kingdom.
ختامصا؛ في نهاية هذا الموضوع؛ نكون قد دقمنا لكم أكثر من نموذج موضوع تعبير عن الملك سلمان بالانجليزي قصير ومترجم ولا سيما أنه من الأنشكة ابتي يتم توجيه الطلاب إلى إعدادها في المناسبات الوطنية، وهي نماذج يمكن استخدامها في أي من المناسبات الوطنية داخل المملكة العربية السعودية.