ماذا يعني byod

ماذا يعني byod
ماذا يعني byod

ماذا يعني byod ؟، تطور التكنولوجيا الحديثة وأجهزة الحواسيب ودخول الإنترنت في كافة المجالات لاسيما مجال التعليم الذي وظف أدوات التكنولوجيا بمختلف أنواعها لخدمة العملية التعليمية وتسهيل التواصل بين المعلمين والمتعلمين ونقل المعلومات باستخدام طرق عرض متطورة وفعالة بدلاً من التعليم التقليدي الذي قد لا يناسب كافة الفئات العمرية.

شبكات الإنترنت

تعتبر شبكات الإنترنت من العوامل القوية التي دخلت كمستحدث على كافة المجالات خاصة المجال التعليمي والتي تهدف إلى نقل التعليم إلى المعلمين والربط بين أطراف العملية التعليمية في شبكة واحدة وهذا يسهم في التغلب على مشاكل التعليم التقليدي وخلق أجواء من التفاعلية والتشاركية ومنح المتعلمين فرصة التعلم باستخدام الأجهزة اللوحية وتوظيفها باستخدام الوسائط المتعددة من صور وفيديوهات ورسومات متحركة ودخول على شبكات الإنترنت[1].

ماذا يعني byod

يعد Byod من المفاهيم التكنولوجية التي وظفت في العملية التعليمية والمقصود منها أحضر جهازك الخاص Bring Your Own Device، وذلك من أجل ربط عملية التعلم بين أفراد العملية التعليمية والمتعلمين من أجل توظيف الأجهزة الحديثة والعمل على تبادل التعليم باستخدامها، وذلك يتيح الربط بين الأجهزة الشخصية والمؤسسة التي تدرس فيها وفق استراتيجية معينة يتم التوصل إليها عن طريق خبراء ومختصين ، وليتم تنفيذ هذه الاستراتيجية لابد من إحضار كل متعلم الجهاز اللوحي الخاص به سواء كان جهاز كمبيوتر محمول أو أجهزة الهواتف الحديثة[2].

شاهد أيضًا: مزود خدمة الانترنت isp هو شركة الاتصالات التي توفر لك امكانية الاتصال بالانترنت

فوائد نظام Byod

هناك مجموعة من الفوائد والمميزات التي يوفرها هذا النظام عند تطبيقه في المراحل التعليمية المختلفة والتي تتمثل في الآتي:[3]

  • يعتبر من الأنظمة الحديثة التي تقدم تجارب أفضل للتعليم.
  • تمكن المعلمين من العمل والتعاون المستمر بين أعضاء المنظومة.
  • توظيف التكنولوجيا والإستفادة منها في خلق بيئة تعليمية حديثة.
  • توفير حرية التعلم والتعامل السليم مع التقنيات الحديثة.
  • زيادة الأمان والخصوصية أثناء التعلم.
  • تسهيل الوصول إلى المتعلمين والمعلمين وذوي الخبرات وفق قاعدة بيانات واحدة .

وفي ختام هذا المقال تم التعرف على ماذا يعني byod وطرق تطبيقه في التعليم حيث أنه من النظم الحديثة التي تسعى إلى التغلب على التعليم التقليدي حيث أنه يسعى إلى تطبيق التكنولوجيا والعمل على الأجهزة اللوحية وتبادل التعليم والمعلومات من خلاله مما يتيح فرصة تعليمية أكبر.


[1]Adilblblogger.comTop 15 Reasons Why the Internet is Good for Students in Education Muhammad Adil January 13, 2022 The Internet has a lot of benefits for students in this article I will let you know about the “Top 15 Reasons why the Internet is Good for Students in Education”. That what are the factors and reasons by which we can say that internet is good for students. As we know the internet is the basic need of today’s technological world. The Internet has a lot of benefits to people in every field. You want anything you can get it on the internet. Any kind of content is available on the internet. Coming to the field of education. Internet is very beneficial in the education field. It has a lot of benefits for the students and also for the teachers. The Internet is known as the world of knowledge. Everything or any kind of content related to your interest in the study is available on the internet. There are different kinds of search engines on the internet used by the different regions of people. Google search, Yahoo, Msn, and Bing, etc. Google search engine is the global search engine, it is used by most people around the world. There is a lot of websites and blogs available on google search engines that provide you the best ever quality content related to your study of interest. Read Also: Reasons why Social Media is Bad for Students. Table of Contents Reasons Why the Internet is Good for Students in Education Benefits of the Internet for Students 1. Relevant Content Available on the Internet 2. Connectivity and Communications Through Internet 3. Online Education Through the Internet 4. Internet Help in Searching 5. Self-Study from the Internet 6. Internet Saves Precious Time of the Students 7. Online Discussion on Social Media Platforms Through Internet 8. Faster Update and Latest Information 9. Help in Completing Assignments and Presentations 10. Internet Saves Money of the Students 11. Students can Earn Money from the Internet Online 1. Blogging 2. Digital Marketing 3. Web Designing and Development 4. Freelancing 12. Students can practice on the Internet 13. Portable Education Through the Internet 14. Career Planning with the Help of the Internet Download the Reasons why the Internet is Good for Students in Education in PDF Reasons Why the Internet is Good for Students in Education The reasons why the internet is good or the benefits of the internet for students in education is given below: Benefits of the Internet for Students 1. Relevant Content Available on the Internet The internet is full of knowledge and pieces of information. Most relevant and quality content is available on the internet. There is a lot of blogs available on the internet which provide the most relevant content and study-related materials for the students. By which students can get help and learn. Students can use the internet for searching for their study relevant materials, assignments, quizzes, presentations, all study relevant materials available on the internet. Not only students but teachers also get help from the internet. They can use the internet for their research. There are thousands of research papers and books available on the internet. Before the development of the internet. Students and teachers used to read different books for searching the relevant content for their study. It was very difficult for them to study the big books for searching for the information and it wastes a lot of precious time for students and teachers. But after the internet, it becomes very easy for teachers and students. They can easily find their study material on the internet. 2. Connectivity and Communications Through Internet The Internet also helps the students and teachers in the connectivity and communications to each other. With the help of the internet students and teachers can make connectivity with each other and communicate with each other. It helps a lot of the students and teachers to easily discussed the education-related materials with each other online through the internet. They can make online groups on social media plate forms like Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. which is used by the internet, and share the information with each other in the groups. In the social media plate form, you can find the best ever teachers and experts in every field and can make connectivity and communication with them and learn from them online. 3. Online Education Through the Internet Online Education Through the Internet Online Education Through the Internet The Internet makes a lot of things easier for people included education. Before the internet getting education from the right place and the right people was very difficult for the students. They spend a lot of money on getting an education and also waste their precious time on it. But after the internet, it becomes very easy for the students. They have no need to go to study and waste their and their precious time. students can easily learn from the internet at home. They have no need to go so far for the study from their home. They can easily get it at home. There is a lot of universities and colleges in the world that serve online educations. Students have not to go to their place. They can easily study from home through online classes. 4. Internet Help in Searching Before the internet, it was very difficult for the students to search for something. They read a lot of books which was actually very difficult for them and it wastes a lot of their precious time. They also used to go to libraries and borrow different kinds of books for searching for their desired information. But after the internet, it becomes very easy for them. They can easily search for their desired information on the internet and they get it easily. There are thousands of websites and blogs available on the internet which share and publish the best ever quality content with the people to help them in learning. 5. Self-Study from the Internet When you have the internet. Then you have no need for teachers. This is the best ever benefit of the internet for the students. The Internet plays a very important role in self-study. Search engines like google, bing, yahoo, etc. provides the best ever knowledge to you. You can learn and find a lot of knowledge on the internet. You can search anytime for your desired information on the internet. Digi skills and YouTube provide you the desired courses you want. You can easily start learning from it at any time. Students have no need to go to the academies and give monies for courses. students can easily learn at home free of cost. They have no need to go out and faced a lot of learning struggles. They can easily learn at home through the internet. 6. Internet Saves Precious Time of the Students The Internet saves a lot of precious time the students in many ways. The most important thing for students is precious time. Time plays a very important role for the students. As I say before the internet is known as the world of knowledge. Students can easily find their relevant study material on the internet. Before the internet it was very difficult for the students to find the relevant materials, they used to read different kinds of books, go to libraries to borrow books, etc. They used to go to the teachers for asking and getting help in learning. Which wastes a lot of their precious time. But after the internet, they have no need to face these kinds of struggles. They can easily find it on the internet by simply searching for the desired things on the search engines of the internet. They can easily learn and get the desired information on the internet without wasting their precious time. 7. Online Discussion on Social Media Platforms Through Internet One of the best benefits of the internet for the students is they can make online discussions with people through the internet and learn from them. There is a lot of groups on social media platforms students can join those groups related to their interest and discuss the topics with the people in the group and learn from them. People belong to different places has a different point of views, discussion with them helps a lot in learning. The student knows and learns from different kinds of people with different points of view. 8. Faster Update and Latest Information The Internet is the best source of the latest information and faster update. The Internet provides you the best ever quality and latest information you want. There is a lot of websites and blogs which provide the latest information you need to know. Before the internet, the peoples and also students wait for the newspaper to update their self. But after the internet, there is no need to wait for the daily newspapers. They can update their selves through the internet at a time. That what is going on around the world. Also, there are social media sites on the internet through which students can share their points of view, the latest pieces of information, and updates with other students around the world. 9. Help in Completing Assignments and Presentations Students can also get help from the internet to complete their assignments and homework. As I said before there are all kinds of information available on the internet. Students can easily get help from them and complete their assignments and presentations. Personally, I also used the internet for data collection for completing my assignments and presentations. It helps me a lot in learning actually internet expands the learning for me. I learn more and more from the internet and in a better way. 10. Internet Saves Money of the Students Most of the difficult thing for the students is how to manage and save money for their education. The Internet saves money for students in a lot of ways. Before the internet students go to colleges and academies for courses and spend a lot of money and also faced a lot of struggles. But after the internet, it becomes very for the students to learn online free of cost or less at home. There are different kind of universities, colleges, and academies which offer online courses for the students who cannot effort it or far away from it. They can easily enroll their selves in the courses and learn online from home without wasting money. Also, the students can find a lot of books, notes, magazines in a soft form online free of cost. So, the internet saves money for students in different ways. 11. Students can Earn Money from the Internet Online Students can also earn money from the internet. As I said before money management for education is very difficult for the students. There is a lot of ways students can earn money from the internet at home. 1. Blogging Students can start earning from blogging. If they can write articles and blogs. Then it can easily earn from blogging. 2. Digital Marketing Students can also earn money from digital marketing. Today the world is digital. Students can easily earn money through digital marketing on the internet. 3. Web Designing and Development Students can also earn money from web designing and development. They can get online projects for web development and design and earn money from that. 4. Freelancing Students also can earn money from freelancing. If students have the ability of creativity then they can earn money from freelancing through the internet. And many more. 12. Students can practice on the Internet The Internet is the best platform for students to practice their professions. If students belong to the IT or computer Science field and want to learn different kinds of languages related to computers then the internet is the best platform for them to practice. There is a lot of websites available on the internet through which they can practice and learn more and more from. For example w3school, tutorials point, java point, guru99, etc. Internet is the best opportunity 13. Portable Education Through the Internet Portable education means students can learn from anywhere through the internet. Learning from the internet not depends on the place because you can conduct the class and learn online from any place through the internet. If you want to go to another city or place so you can take your class from there online on the internet. This is the best ever benefit of the internet for the students that they can easily learn from anywhere at any time online through the internet. 14. Career Planning with the Help of the Internet Selecting the right professional career at the right time is very difficult for the students because at the level of students they didn’t understand that what is their interests and goals they want to be in the future. Through the internet, it becomes very for the students to select their right career path. They can search and watch what people doing in the world. And what are their interests? once they find their interest career path. Then it will be easy for them to be successful in life. There are a lot of blogs and articles available on the internet which are written by successful people. They guide us on how to find our interests and the right career path. 15. Online Projects Problems Solutions There are a lot of different kinds of projects available on the internet from which students can get help in their projects. Through the internet, students can contact and can communicate with the expert peoples and get help from them in their projects. Project research papers and thesis are available on the internet from which students can get help in their final year projects. I remember that when I was going to the final year project of my university, I faced a lot of problems with my project. Then I start searching on the internet, I read the articles and research papers related to my project and I easily find the solutions to problems I faced in my project. The Internet helps me a lot with my project. Download the Reasons why the Internet is Good for Students in Education in PDF for Downloading in PDF click on the Download Button Below: Download These are the benefits and reasons by which we can say the internet is good and beneficial for the students in education. If you have any kind of questions in your mind about the benefits of the internet for students, you can ask me in the comment section below. I will respond as soon as I can. I hope you find it helpful, share it with your friends and relatives. Thanks for reading. 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